Alix Guillard

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Františka Kadlece 32
180 00 Praha 8 Libeň
République tchèque
(🇨🇿): +420 608 886 211 Whatsapp Signal

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                   pub  1024D/A3E3683E 2017-02-07 Alix Guillard
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Professional experience

2018 → date : Software Developer at Deltatre (formerly Massive Interactive) Develop new functionalities for OTT leading services using haxe, React, TypeScript. Support QA with setting up platforms and solutions.

2012 → 2018 : Web Developer at CZ.NIC (czech domain registry) - Maintained company web front end based on Django. Created microsites for several events like IT Conferences or IETF meetings or products such as or CSIRT. Completed switch to responsive design, enhanced usability, developed Javascript widgets, conducted SEO audit.

Prague ↑ Amsterdam

2007 → 2012 : Content Webmaster at RIPE NCC (regional Internet registry) - Maintained main website, organised migration to new CMS in coordination with technical teams and consultants, created and maintained mini sites for events MENOG, conducted usability studies for interface improvement, developed social media activities, became involved in various aspects of external communications and external relations.

Amsterdam ↑ Paris

2007 → 2012 : Content Webmaster for AFNIC (french domain registry) - Consolidated three original websites into one, conducted the migration plan, developed a CMS for internal needs, designed web applications, responsible for dedicated mini sites (, governance, forum)

1999 → 2001 : Webmaster for MandrakeSoft (now called Mandriva) - Created the corporate website, responsible for the two main websites of the company, integrated other websites into the global communication strategy of the company, managed the translation of sites into eight different languages, in charge of an international Internet team, organised PR activities with foreign countries, recruited and trained a team of non-profit agents from outside the company

1997 → 2000 : Webmaster for various projects and non-profit organisations, defined the Internet communication strategy, trained the relevant organisation staff, and designed two websites, maintained a personal site from 1997

Internet ↑ Civil Engineering

1991 → 1997 : Civil Engineer - Experience in the construction industry and in logistics, responsible for the organisation, general management, planning supervision and cost control of the works, selected teams of sub-contractors, supervised co-workers, responsible for security and good completion of works in respect of the code of practice

Other Public Relations and Communication Activities

  • Prepared presentation of Turris Omnia router during Libre Software Meeting in Saint-Etienne in 2017
  • Published study about turnout of French electors in Czech republic in 2015
  • Organiser of the Very Short Film Festival in Prague from 2013 to 2016
  • Wrote paper for talk about Knot DNS at JRES in 2013
  • Writer for Thalys website as Amsterdam 'welcomer' from 2011 to 2013
  • Speaker for the RIPE NCC at FRnOG in 2010 and JRES in 2011
  • Co-organiser of the Very Short Film Festival in the Netherlands 2010 to 2012
  • Responsible at Paris Linux show for all non-profit participation (50 booths) 2006
  • Topic Chairman at the Libre Software Meeting in Dijon in 2005
  • President of Parinux, the Paris-based Linux user group (130 members) in 2005
  • Press Relations for the Libre Software Meeting in Bordeaux in 2001 and 2002


2010 Scrum Master certification

2008 Social Media course with university degree at Castle College Nottingham

1999 Licence de concepteur médiatique, equivalent to a BA in Communication with a specialisation in Multimedia

1991 BTS Travaux Publics equivalent to a BA in Civil Engineering

1989 Cambridge first certificate in Paris

1989 Baccalauréat C, equivalent to A-Levels with major in maths and physics

Personal interests


French mother tongue, fluent in english, advanced czech, basic dutch


Foreign cultures and civilisations, Bicycle touring, Russian avant-garde, photography